Monday 9 November 2015

Monday, 9th November, 2015

Weight: Don't know

I'll have a chance to weigh myself properly tomorrow.
I did eat dinner yesterday - roast beef, veg and potatoes - but that'll boost my metabolism.

I've decided I'll keep to minimal eating, but allow myself one or two bites of things I like/crave, that way it should prevent any breakdowns and binges while still losing weight.

I feel so tired and cold...

Later . . .
I got a notification from my pizza ordering app - loads of offers, buy one get one for £1, free sides with a large pizza.... - and I was kinda fantasising about them at the front desk, when my colleague came up to me and said: Aren't you on a diet?
Me: Yeah but pizza...
LE: You're on a diet, don't do this to yourself.

He's right. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet.
I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet.

My body doesn't know it's Christmas. It doesn't just stop turning calories into pounds. Who am I kidding.

I want to be skinny for Christmas.

Later . . .
LE: Okay one of you two needs to go on lunch.
Me: Go on, you go
EB: You sure? You started earlier?
Me: No go on its fine
RG: She won't eat.

Way to keep it hush hush. So great my whole workplace is gonna know I don't eat.... Guess that gives me more reason to prove them right.

Later . . .
Fate is telling me not to eat.
I had the urge to go buy junk after work today so I was heading to the shop, when I bumped into a friend, so I spoke to him, then he had to go to the bathroom so asked me to hold his stuff. I stood there awkwardly, and by the time he got back my bus had arrived, so I had to run!

Fate is telling me to keep going.
It's a sign.

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