Friday 29 December 2017

New Beginnings


I’m really nervous but also excited.

I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone more and more recently, and this NYE I’ve taken a big step.

I have never been away from my parents as I transition into a New Year, and due to Aspergers I usually stick to my traditions and what I know.

However, this year, I’m going on the train on my own (scary thing 1), up to Orpington in the evening (scary thing 2), And am spending the night with some people I’ve recently met (scary thing 3)

Train tickets have been purchased, it is official.

Not only that, but one of the 3 people I’ll be with is someone who likes me, and who I’ve been gradually getting close to.... I haven’t gotten close to anyone in about 4 years since my ex, and I don’t actually know how I feel about this guy he kinda frazzles my brain! But I told him I’d like to try a platonic movie cuddling night with him.......

I haven’t cuddled up to anyone but my mum in 4 years..... I have explained to him that I might hate it and say no and been very clear about my boundaries, but he’s just been so understanding and respectful about every part of my mental health so far!

He’s even said he’ll help me stop bingeing and reach my ultimate goal weight because he knows it’ll make me happy! He’s just so..... accepting. And caring but without being overwhelming and overbearing.

So I will be starting 2018 off in a completely and utterly new way to how I’ve ever done it before.....!

And yknow what? I’m scared.

... but I’m pretty proud too!

Thursday 14 December 2017

A Good Run

Weight: 138.9

Well that was a good run.
Tuesday 5th - Fasted
Wednesday 6th - Fasted
Thursday 7th - 82kcal
Friday 8th - Fasted
Saturday 9th - Fasted
Sunday 10th - Fasted
Monday 11th - Fasted
Tuesday 12th - Fasted
Wednesday 13th - Fasted
Today - 270kcal

I have so much more control now, and as of tonight I am 32 days binge free!

I’ve decided to eat for a few days at least, 200-500 calories or less, as people at work are getting suspicious.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Sunday 3rd December 2017

Weight: Don’t know

I can’t weigh every day sadly, so tomorrow will be my next weigh in (I hope!)

I haven’t eaten more than 300 the past two days - today was only 64kcal and that was my calendar chocolates in the evening!

I’m really hoping that tomorrow I will be 150lb / 68kg because that’s my first goal! I’m planning to get my nails done as a reward once I reach it, so I really want that to be done in time for christmas!

I’m also super close to being out of the obese category - I THINK it’s 148lb / 67kg that I need to get to to be out of that category, so I’m super close!!

Also, 21 days binge free! 3 weeks! Which also means I’m halfway to Christmas, because that’ll be 42 days binge free!

fingers crossed for my weigh in tomorrow!