Tuesday 28 November 2017

Tuesday 28th November 2017

Weight: 154.4lb / 70kg

So I was going to do a max of 500 today but I felt VERY binge-y around lunch time, and rather than risk bingeing (There was bread and cheese in the house - major binge foods for me!), I decided to raise my limit to 1,000 and have a cheese sandwich for lunch.

The way I see it, it's my day off so I can spend a few hours on my bike if I want, and even if I don't I should still lose weight. Also, by having a cheese sandwich (with tomato sauce), I got to taste what I would have binged on!

I'm now on my 16th day binge free, and I can't remember if I said this already, but if I make it to Christmas without bingeing then I'm allowed to have Christmas Day as a "free day", which means no calorie counting and it means if I want to eat nearer 2,000 then I can.

I'm also now 154.4lb, which is a BMI of 31.1 and I am SO CLOSE to being out of the Obese BMI Category! Once I reach 148.4lb / 67.3kg I will be BMI 29.9 and will be OVERWEIGHT AND NOT OBESE.

I'm so close.

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