Wednesday 15 November 2017

Things Are Going Better

It's been forever since I blogged....

So, an update:

I had a massive period of bingeing, read the "Brain Over Binge" book, and now am turning my life around. I am on day 3 binge free, and I'm doing much better!

In other news, The Year Of Bones is all ready to go for 2018! I can't wait, the spreadsheets are all sorted, the workbooks and challenges are done, everything is prepared, all that's left is for me to stop bingeing.

I've added some thinspo onto my blog because why not (God I want to be as thin as Eugenia Cooney - if not thinner), and yeah fingers crossed that I've got my bingeing under control!


  1. I'm glad to hear that :) just letting you know i read your whole blog and i keep my fingers crossed you will be happy with everything eventually :)

    1. Thank you so much <3 I will be happy and skinny one day I know it x
